First of all - sorry if it's something well-known amongst testers, I'm not a tester at all but for now I must perform some kind of tests.

We have a distributed software layer distributed across different regions. Thus, we have to test how it works on different IPs (countries), and to check how it returns cookies and even images (just a country flag).

We don't need headless solutions such as phantomjs - in fact, that's just a simple thing and it's enough to test it manually (in other words - nobody gave us resources for writing normal tests).

We can use proxies to emulate different IPs.

How to run multiple browsers on a single machine? Each browser must be isolated from the others - that means, no shared cookies, cache, passwords or anything else. Also, at the same time, each browser must have unique proxy settings.

Firefox, Chrome, Opera or anything else - doesn't matter.

This should be executed on a linux OS (Ubuntu or Debian preferable).

P.S. Multiple virtual machines seem to be an overkill in this situation.

Thank you!

1 Answer 1


You can install multiplecinstances of Mozilla on Linux if you do the install manuakky (don.t use apt-get it will complain).

  1. Download and unpack the tarball
  2. Create a new firefox profile

    firefox -CreateProfile "firefox-9.0.1 /home/bob/.mozilla/firefox/firefox-9.0.1"

  3. Launch firefox from CLI where you can specify profiles.

    /home/bob/firefox-9.0.1/firefox -P firefox-9.0.1

Note: You may be able to use one FF install with different profiles to achieve your objective but I'm not certain as I've not tried.

  • thanks - but will it isolate their caches as well? just want to make it clear
    – Spaceman
    Commented Feb 28, 2014 at 11:40
  • @Spaceman - it should isolate the caches as these are generally stored with the profile rather than with the application. If each install has a separate application directory, the caches will definitely be isolated.
    – Kate Paulk
    Commented Feb 28, 2014 at 12:56

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