Test Case
In My web page, I have 5 tabs (A,B,C,D,E) in which 2 tabs (A,B) are clickable and 3 Tabs(C,D,E) are not clickable.
Write a script to verify those tab elements are clickable or not.
What I've tried
1) expect(element(by.id(ID_of_UnCLICKABLE_menu)).isEnabled()).toBe(True); expect(element(by.id(ID_of_CLICKABLE_menu)).isEnabled()).toBe(True);
Test passed for both unclickable and clickable elements.
**ExpectedResult** -> Need to fail for either of one.
2) var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
browser.driver.wait(EC.elementToBeClickable(element(by.id())), 5000, 'Not Clickable');
HTML code:
<td id="id1234" class="name_style-button disabled" role='menuitem'>Text</td>
Note: This is a non-Angular page.
in your first try? How does it fail in your first try? Thanks.html
appears to show them as enabled even though your application, and the way they are displayed, has them disabled, so you can't check it through selenium through those conditions.