Deleting an element
Neither robot nor SeleniumLibrary have any way to add or remove items from a page, but you can use the execute javascript keyword to run javascript to do that.
For example, to delete a div with the id of "page-footer" you could do something like this:
execute javascript
... var element=document.querySelector('#page-footer');
... element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
Here's a complete working example that removes the footer from a page:
*** Variables ***
${browser} chrome
*** Settings ***
Library Selenium2Library
Suite Setup open browser about:blank ${browser}
Suite Teardown close all browsers
*** Test cases ***
[Setup] go to
# verify the footer is there
page should contain Powered by Elemental Selenium
# remove it
execute javascript
... var element=document.querySelector('#page-footer');
... element.parentNode.removeChild(element);
# verify it was removed
page should not contain Powered by Elemental Selenium
Changing the class
To change the class -- or any other attribute -- you can use the same technique to call the setAttribute
method of the element.
For example, the following will set the class to "new_class" of the page footer:
execute javascript
... var element=document.querySelector('#page-footer');
... element.setAttribute("class", "new_class");