I'm testing an API and I'm looking to define my payload using classes so that my program can then deserialize/serialize into any format (namely XML in my case). Below is an example of the payload:

         <Item IsKit="false">
       <Item IsKit="false">
     <TimeStamp>2017-03-30 00:00:00.102</TimeStamp>

So my thinking is that I would have an overall Order class which looks something like the below

    public class Order()
      BillingAddress bAddr; //another class
      List Items;
      double OrderAmount;
      DateTime TimeStamp;

What I am trying to work out is the best way of setting up my framework so that in the example of the BillingAddress class I can set up a series of properties e.g. AddressLine1/AddressLine1 etc which can then be called when I run the test

Any advice on how to structure the test framework would be most appreciated

2 Answers 2


I’m not sure how it works in C# but you may use the optional arguments. Also I would recommend to create a models of your payloads. - models -> - xml - xml then pass this file as your payload. In your case it’s XML and for example interface.

  • Thanks Jack. Can you explain further on what you mean by creating a model of the payloads? Commented Oct 5, 2018 at 8:14

You are on the right track here, but do not reinvent the wheel. Simply serializing the xml with any of the available C# serializers will get you started. I did the exact same thing for a rest API in Java. It might even be possible to generate the XSL files and then create classes from them (it was in my case, thanks to the IDE). I am no expert in Visual Studio, but it should be capable of this.

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