
My github desktop was working correctly. I am able to perform all the operations like Commit, Pull, Push. Today I am trying to push my code, observe below error :

Authentication failed. You may not have permission to access the repository or the repository may have been archived. Open options and verify that you're signed in with an account that has permission to access this repository.

My environment :

  • Windows : 10
  • GitHub Desktop : 1.6.1

1 Answer 1


Step for fix issue:

  1. Remove repo from GitHub Desktop
  2. Logout from your github account [File > Options]
  3. File > Add Local Repository
  4. Repository > Repository Settings and change to https URL [Important tweek]

It started working back for me.

  • Thank you. It worked for me too but what's the reason ? Commented Aug 1, 2019 at 18:01
  • Just want to thank you for this suggestion, I was absolutely stuck trying to add a existing repo and getting this error, I finally just tried adding the repo instead of getting it again and it worked to resolve the issue. Commented Nov 13, 2021 at 13:54

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