Many teams do not deliver GUI but a library or a service that is used by other developers. For instance:
A company provides REST APIs and client libraries for their customers to use their services remotely. Ad exchange company provides JavaScript library for publishers to participate in ad real time auctions, hotel booking company can provide an API for hotels to integrate with, Google Cloud Platform provides APIs and libraries to integrate with their cloud infrastructure.
A company delivers a library to be used by other developers and testers: it can be as big as JDK (Java Development Kit) from Sun/Oracle or Selenium Web Driver.
Your team provides a microservice to be used by other teams in the company.
All those artifacts can have user experience (UX) bugs similarly to GUI -- the name of a method might be misleading and do something else than the name suggests, or finding a class to do X might be hard because of insufficient documentation or wrong abstraction level.
I sometimes complained about such bugs to developers but I have never performed regular usability tests for APIs. I've found that Microsoft did. The approach they took was to involve real user in task-driven tests, just like you do in normal (GUI-based) usability tests, with one small difference -- their end users were developers. You give a development task to a developer to be performed with your software and you observe how they handle it.
I wonder whether other testers do perform usability tests of API?
In the end you would need to get into shoes of a developer or involve them in your tests.