I have a keyword which checks, if a button value is Completed, once it is found, I want that keyword to stop and return the status. However the the button value Completed is not fixed to any time interval. I want to call the keyword recursively to check for value of button at every 3 minutes.

*** Test Case ***
   Navigate to menu    Home  Status
   #Something here to call the keywrod `Check run status` for every 3 
   minutes until ${passd} is true or 30 minutes are passed. 

 Check run status
${btnValue}  Get Text   //button[@id="btn_status"]  
${passed} =   Run Keyword And Return Status   Should be Equal   ${btnValue}   
[Return]   ${passed}

How to iterate this with time interval & How can we achieve this with robotframework?

  • 2
    Do you want to apply recursion indeed or just repeat some actions?
    – wec
    Commented Oct 7, 2019 at 11:13

2 Answers 2


You could use Wait until keyword succeeds The keyword will repeat executing until it succeeds you can specific the time to repeat the keyword like so

*** Test Case ***
Repeat Keyword Test
   Navigate to menu    Home  Status
   ${status} =  wait until keyword succeeds  30 minutes  3 minutes  Check run status

Check run status
  ${btnValue}  Get Text   //button[@id="btn_status"]  
  ${passed} =   Run Keyword And Return Status   Should be Equal   ${btnValue}  Completed      
  [Return]   ${passed}

I am not sure if you want to use Robot for status monitoring, but have you tried:

Loops: How to write a loop while in Robot Framework.

Or invert the result and use to repeat if failed: Wait Until Keyword Succeeds.

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