I would like to repeat a test run multiple times. So I would like to add the count to the command we are passing to run the test. I tried adding the option to grunt file but is not working
Command needs to be generated
npx grunt test-ofp-qa -tags=@inflight -browserType=chrome_single -feature=<feature name> -Count=2
Also tried the below code in gruntfile
webdriver: {
options: {
configFile: './test/config/suite.cucumber.conf.js', //Default config file.
keepAlive: true, //If false, the grunt process stops when the test fails.
noColor: false, //If true, protractor will not use colors in its output.
debug: false,
specFileRetries: parseInt(grunt.option('failRetryCount')) || 0,
specFileRun: parseInt(grunt.option('inflightCount')) || 0,
useExistingRefNum: grunt.option('refNum') || undefined,
specs: [
require('util').format(featureFilePath, (grunt.option('feature') || '*').replace('.feature', ''))
capabilities: [ new Capabilities(grunt.option('browserType')).capabilities ],
cucumberOpts: { retry: parseInt(grunt.option('failRetryCount')) || 0 ,
run: parseInt(grunt.option('inflightCount')) || 0}