I am looking for an open-source functional testing automation tool that supports testing of Silverlight based applications.

To be more specific, the tool should be able to recognize objects within the Silverlight applications.

I have found a question that talks about testing Adobe Flash (or Flex) based applications, but I would like to ask for help in dealing with similar testing automation experience on Microsoft Silverlight.

2 Answers 2


Take a look at the White APIs.

  • Basically, you are suggesting to use the same VS create my tests. My only concern here is that this testing process have some similarities for white-box or maybe unit-testing for the Silverlight apps. I would appreciate if you can provide additional options to facilitate something like black-box testing. Also, I wonder if that is supported by VS Test Manager itself.
    – yazankhs
    Commented Oct 29, 2012 at 0:34
  • White is an automation framework that can be used to design and develop tests for rich clients (GUI automation). Commented Oct 29, 2012 at 15:41

Selenium also has support for Silverlight apps. Please check post - Silvernium ~ Selenium for Silverlight Applications.

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