Could you please suggest some non-trivial web forms for test case preparation training? The form should concern different field validation warnings, number autocomplete, dynamic fields, etc. Nice sample: Google SignUp form.
Thanks in advance!
Could you please suggest some non-trivial web forms for test case preparation training? The form should concern different field validation warnings, number autocomplete, dynamic fields, etc. Nice sample: Google SignUp form.
Thanks in advance!
The following site offers many sample forms and will allow you to practice your test cases easily.
Svetlana, since most publicly-available registration forms for large websites fit your criteria, I'd imagine you could use any of them.
You might also consider some Shopping-Carts.
Many file upload/download forms (such as those for photos, etc) meet your criteria.
Good luck.
Usually social networks / web mail services have a nice many-different-fields reg forms, e.g.:
Good luck with your learning!
Also add to the list: