I am testing localization. I am running the same URL with other countries in my data provider.

The HTML I am looking for is:

<a class="learn-more linkable" data-url="/speakers/minijambox">En savoir plus</a>

Here is my code:

String storeXpath2="//a[contains(@href,'"+url2+"')]";
System.out.println("Learn more link of Mini");

url I am trying to execute: /speakers/minijambox

Error I am getting unable to find xpath, element or method.

  • 1
    Can you provide a Stack trace of errors being thrown? Also, the html snippet of the <a> tag you are trying to access might help too Commented Dec 11, 2013 at 0:31
  • stack Trace : openid.stackexchange.com/affiliate/…
    – jbyogi
    Commented Dec 11, 2013 at 0:51
  • HTML tag : <a class="learn-more linkable" data-url="/speakers/minijambox">En savoir plus</a>
    – jbyogi
    Commented Dec 11, 2013 at 0:53
  • This is a localization test case. I am running the same url with other countries in my data provider.
    – jbyogi
    Commented Dec 11, 2013 at 0:54
  • @jbyogi, I've edited your question to put the HTML tag and the information about it being a localization test in the question body. Could you please edit the question to include the stack trace? Your link doesn't work for me.
    – Kate Paulk
    Commented Jan 7, 2014 at 13:04

2 Answers 2


The HTML tag you are trying to match has a class attribute and a data-url attribute but not an href attribute. Either you mistyped the HTML tag in your question or you need to change the definition of storeXpath2 to something like this:

String storeXpath2="//a[contains(@data-url,'"+url2+"')]";
  • Your suggested solution didn't work. I used the same definition for different tag: String storeXpath="//a[contains(@href,'"+url+"')]"; driver.findElement(By.xpath(storeXpath)).click(); System.out.println("buy now for Mini"); and this seems to work fine.
    – jbyogi
    Commented Dec 11, 2013 at 1:10
  • Is it possible the same definition worked for a different tag because the different tag had an href attribute?
    – user246
    Commented Dec 11, 2013 at 2:14
  • It has the same tag as I mentioned in the original post.
    – jbyogi
    Commented Dec 11, 2013 at 21:28
  • But the tag you mentioned in the post did not have an href attribute. Quote: 'HTML tag : <a class="learn-more linkable" data-url="/speakers/minijambox">En savoir plus</a>'. What am I missing?
    – user246
    Commented Dec 11, 2013 at 21:42
  • yeah. But code does not work with data-url attribute.href works with storeXpath -url but it does not when i pass storexpath2-url2
    – jbyogi
    Commented Dec 11, 2013 at 21:55

What if you try:

String xpath = //li[@class="minijambox linkable"]/a[@href="/speakers/minijambox"]
  • 1
    does not seem to work.Thanks for the suggestion.
    – jbyogi
    Commented Dec 11, 2013 at 23:27
  • I checked for US and Spain locale, I do see the DOM hierarchy that you mention. I also verified with FirePath in Firebug and the xpath is identified. Another thing that I can think of is, you are trying to access the element before the page loads. A small wait might do the trick Commented Dec 12, 2013 at 0:26

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