I'm having trouble connecting Appium to our local Grid.

When I try to connect I don't get any errors, but I do not see Appium in the Grid console.

Here's my node config file.

            "maxInstances": 1,
        "proxy": "org.openqa.grid.selenium.proxy.DefaultRemoteProxy",
        "host": “”,
        "port": 4723,
        "maxSession": 1,
        "register": true,
        “hubPort: 4444,
        “hubHost”: “”:


Has anyone had any success connecting Appium to their own Grid?


3 Answers 3


There is a quote in front of the version. if you take it off your code should work i.e "version”:”6.1 should be "version”:6.1,


IMHO the node config file is not formatted correctly (should be a valid JSON file).

the "version":"6.1" the value should be string, and the “hubHost”: “”: <--- shouldn't contain colon after the host hub address.

And IMO you should define: "hub": "http://<address>:<port>/grid/register", too on the configuration area.

here is some example of a valid node config:

     "capabilities": [
             "browserName": "Android",
             "version": "4.4",
             "maxInstances": 1,
             "platform": "ANDROID",
             "deviceName": "08b8c683"
     "configuration": {
         "cleanUpCycle": 2000,
         "timeout": 300,
         "browserTimeout": 300,
         "hub": "http://localhost:4444/grid/register",
         "host": "localhost",
         "maxSession": 1,
         "port": 4733,
         "hubPort": 4444,
         "hubHost": "localhost",
         "url": "http://localhost:4733/wd/hub",
         "register": true,
         "registerCycle": 5000,
         "role": "node"

You config file looks correct.

Please verify that you've installed and configured Appium correctly, according to this official tutorial for Mac OS.

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