I'm trying to use modify_headers extension (because this feature will never be added to Webdriver) but without success.
I use the following code:
@profile = Selenium::WebDriver::Firefox::Profile.new
@profile['modifyheaders.config.active'] = true
@profile['modifyheaders.config.alwaysOn'] = true
@profile['modifyheaders.config.openNewTab'] = true
@profile['modifyheaders.config.migrated'] = true
@profile['modifyheaders.headers.count'] = 1
@profile['modifyheaders.headers.action0'] = 'Add'
@profile['modifyheaders.headers.name0'] = 'some_name'
@profile['modifyheaders.headers.value0'] = 'some_value'
@profile['modifyheaders.headers.enabled0'] = true
@browser = Selenium::WebDriver::Driver.for :firefox, :profile => @profile
When I navigate to some page I see it as if I didn't modify header. What was wrong with this code?