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Is it possible to test Desktop Applications using Protractor directly or via a third party tool?

I have an application built over angular (new version) and WinForms (legacy) which needs to be automated for testing. I had identified selenium (WinAppDriver + NgWebDriver) as the possible tool for ...
Bugger's user avatar
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How to explicity fail e2e tests on unexpected behavior?

I am currently using protractor but the idea would be similar for any flavor of Selenium. Right now, depending on which step the test is on, my current framework will wait for elements to be ...
tehbeardedone's user avatar
6 votes
6 answers

How can a beginner develop an automated testing framework completely from scratch?

I am completely into manual testing, I was asked by my manager to start developing an automated framework for my company website and mobile application. I am a complete beginner and have a very little ...
Sravya's user avatar
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Integrating Protractor testing framework into my existing AngularJS app- invalid URL when testing on VM

I recently started working on an application that has been written in AngularJS, and have been tasked with setting up automated testing for the app (all of the testing that has been done as part of ...
Noble-Surfer's user avatar
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End-to-end testing from desktop app to website

I'm currently investigating ways for executing End-to-end testing on a system that contains two parts which are dependent on one another. The first part is a desktop application and the second is a ...
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