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Selenium- Parallel test case using testng not working correctly. The same working fine in sequential mode

The driver instance initializes as Threadsafe. Till the launching of the browser and pass the URL everything seems to be working. But the credentials passing on anyone's browser, instead of all ...
Niks 's user avatar
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Teardown of Multiple Threaded Tests with Selenium

I'm trying to run multiple test cases with Nunit in C# in which every test needs its own Selenium Chrome Driver. Before it was threaded, I handled the chrome driver with [Setup] and [Teardown] like ...
Erin B's user avatar
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Selenium Grid Parallel Execution ThreadLocal WebDriver SessionNotCreatedException: Unable to create new service: GeckoDriverService

Running tests in parallel on a windows node and a mac node using selenium grid would pass all tests but fail to run and skip the first test FilterMoreResultsBySquareFeet for either the Mac Firefox ...
seleniumappiumnewbie's user avatar
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How to do Selenium Testing with multiple threads?

I'm trying to do functional testing using Selenium Webdriver. I'm using ruby code to test on multiple windows at the same time using multi-threading The problem is when the thread creates the new ...
Sunu Pinasthika Fajar's user avatar