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Used for questions about using Selenium WebDriver, a browser automation framework frequently used to automate testing in a browser.

1 vote
3 answers

Designing Selenium Framework

I want to get a better understanding about Selenium Framework. Is it true that "framework" in this context is not the same as DataDriven/KeyworkDriven/Hybrid framework? In other words, these three fra …
Richardson's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

Properties File in Selenium

I am still unclear why you need Properties file in Selenium. It seems to me that everything stored there can be more effectively store either in Excel or with @DataProvider and @Parameters annotations …
Richardson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

switching windows in Selenium

I am having problem understanding the syntax of how to switch between windows. The standard syntax is: Set <String> stringHandles = driver.getWindowHandles(); for (String handle:stringHandles) {drive …
Richardson's user avatar
7 votes
6 answers

Handling hidden elements in Selenium

I have just encountered a question about handling hidden elements in Selenium. I don't understand how they should be handled. I'm also confused about why hidden elements would be used. How do I handl …
Richardson's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Retrieving an XPath Text from a Web Element [closed]

I have a task where I need to retrieve the following text in black color highlighted in yellow. It is not within any tags and has no attribute. Once you locate a web element through the Inspect option …
Richardson's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

What are the challenges with automation when using Selenium? [closed]

I recently had an interview question what problems did you have while testing in Selenium. Well, I have experience in Selenium, but maybe I was testing a simple application, but I dried up quickly. …
Richardson's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Maven and Transitive Dependencies

I have a good understanding of Maven basics, but few things are unclear to me. Please help me with the following: I understand that a transitive dependency isn't declared in your POM. So, where can …
Richardson's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Selenium with IntelliJ

I was confused with IntelliJ, but after watching videos I see that it is an IDE, just like Eclipse. It looks somewhat similar to Eclipse, but when do people set their choice on Eclipse and when on Int …
Richardson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Frames in Selenium

I have never had to test an application that had frames. When does it make sense to divide a window into frames? How do I refer to (target) objects within a frame?
Richardson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Selenium Exceptions

I have studied selenium exceptions, but they aren't really used in my company. I want to ask: Is it true that they are sort of independent of Selenium, since they are inherited from Exception class …
Richardson's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Identifying objects in Selenium

I have been asked on interviews about identifying objects, so I got a little confused. All of the below questions are related to identifying elements, so I combined them together: Is there any other …
Richardson's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

CI for Selenium Project

I am not fully sure how to fully build Continuous Integration for Selenium project, so I would like to ask the following: Is it true that the only difference between a Maven project and a Java proj …
Richardson's user avatar
2 votes
5 answers

Help required with understanding Cross-browser Testing

Based on my knowledge so far of cross-browser testing may I ask the following: Is it true that at majority of the companies it is not performed, since most of the time when something working on one …
Richardson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Java + Selenium : What all best practices are & How to implement for executing test cases in...

From the knowledge I have acquired while doing automation with other tools, I want to ask about specifics of doing that in Selenium (with Java). Questions: I remember watching a video on Junit where …
Richardson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Selenium element properties: Selected vs Enabled vs Displayed

I recently tried to locate an element. I was unable to identify an xpath and after putting a list in a loop. I noticed that for some elements isDisplayed() returned false, but isEnabled() true. How …
Richardson's user avatar

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