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Agile testing is a software testing practice that follows the principles of agile software development.

1 vote

Testing an application under continuous development

I have to admit when I read this my first thought was "I didn't know you worked for my employer" I'm facing similar difficulties as one of a team of six testers working with about two dozen developer …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
2 votes

Some feelings about Testing Engineer and Software Engineer in Agile development?

Why don't test engineers write unit tests? There are several reasons developers are usually tasked with creating unit tests: Developers are intimately familiar with the code they are writing. They …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
7 votes

The role of a software tester in an agile environment?

The role of a software tester in an agile environment - as with any other environment - is whatever it needs to be for that specific project. Sometimes there'll be a lot of close-up work with design a …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
13 votes

Fitting regression testing in a Agile/ Scrum development cycle

Ideally there should be a regression or "hardening" sprint before the project ends, and in the dream world, a hardening sprint every few cycles. I'd suggest that automated tests of the steel thread …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
4 votes

Bug hunts and possible alternatives?

I'm with Joe on this one. When there's a reward only for the "best" - no matter how that "best" is determined, there's an immediate temptation to game the system and an incentive to undermine teamwork …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
5 votes

Timing of development and testing in agile environment

This is the exact problem that bedevils the environment where I work, and have yet to find a strategy that works well and consistently. Some of the strategies and techniques that help are: The test …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
2 votes

Testing for SU Sprints

As Suchit said, it depends a lot on the nature of the update. I've seen a one-line code change trigger a full regression because that one line happened to be in one of the core calculation engines. M …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
1 vote

Testing Process differences between test, stage, production for hotfixes vs feature releases

It depends on the fix. If the fix is something that hits low lying functionality used by the entire system, then the entire system needs to be regression tested. If the fix involves the functionali …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
3 votes

How do you test translations are correct?

It depends. Unit tests are probably not the best way to test software localization because there is typically a single function that retrieves the proper text from the application resource dictionary …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
5 votes

How do you manage large sets of Acceptance Criteria?

What you need here is to maintain linkage between your AC, your user stories, and the features - there are a number of test management tools to do this, which you can integrate with your issue trackin …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
15 votes

What goes in your definition of done (DoD) ?

Ideally, the DoD for each user story should mean all tests for that user story are passing, and all automation is completed, running as part of the overall automation (as opposed to on one person's ma …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
1 vote

Separate tasks between development and QA

I'm going to go with my favorite answer here - it depends. Here's why: often testing is black-box, and testing tasks can have little relationship to programming tasks within the same user story, par …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
3 votes

Test Automation in Agile?

It sounds rather like you have the typical "agile-but..." implementation going. There are ways around it that avoid the overhead and issues that go along with GUI-based automation (which can be done …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
12 votes

Tips for QA lead?

I second (third?) the congratulations! While I'm nowhere near as experienced as Joe or Bruce, I can offer a few tips from experience: Communication is critical - you absolutely must have at least …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k
6 votes

what are the testing skills needed to test a stable system?

In my opinion, there aren't any extra skills need to test a stable system. What tends to happen once the system is stable and not under continuous development is that the proportion of time spent on e …
Kate Paulk's user avatar
  • 31.5k

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