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Used for questions about using Selenium WebDriver, a browser automation framework frequently used to automate testing in a browser.

1 vote

How can my mac be setup to run both appium/selenium with java and python without conflict?

Appium and Selenium are both different libraries and hence can be used along side each other on a single Macintosh machine, without any issues. Things you should avoid is mixing your Selenium tests w …
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3 votes

how to find whether the focus is on the particular web element

There is a method called activeElement() in webdriver to check whether the element in question is the focussed element. You can do something like WebElement elem = driver.findElement('pat')); …
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0 votes

unable to locate element

Why not $$('.btn.btn-primary.gray.btn-xs').first(); if the Export button is first element Or $$('.btn.btn-primary.gray.btn-xs')[0] //for the first element with the class. Or $$('.btn.btn-prim …
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1 vote

selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable to locate element: #passwordNext

As per the Stack Trace Exception in thread "main" org.openqa.selenium.NoSuchElementException: Unable to locate element: #passwordNext For documentation on this error, please visit: http://seleniu …
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2 votes

How can I access the http headers using python and selenium?

Selenium is an e2e testing solution which works well with what is happening in browsers. It automates anything working in browser- mimicking what the users would try to do. Instead of combining the A …
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0 votes

Best way to verify locators for Selenium

In case of CSS Selectors and Xpaths, many times we have to construct our own locators. In order to verify these selectors, you can go to Console in the Chrome developer tools and use $$yourcss_selecto …
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3 votes

Target URL is not well-formed ERROR in Selenium

Selenium's driver.get method expects the argument to be a URL, not a string. What you've entered is a string which is why the error has occured. Try driver.get(URL); or simply driver.get("https: …
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0 votes

Does Selenium support web services testing ? How can it achieve through selenium webdriver?

You can use Postman as an automation tool using Postman BDD library and automate the API Testing and can even integrate it with Jenkins to have the whole process in a CI-environment. We run approx tho …
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0 votes

Open Browsers using Selenium WebDriver

In case of Protractor, which is almost a webdriver implementation for Angular based website automation, you can open multiple browsers at the same time , using multicapabilities in the conf.js file. …
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1 vote

How to handle windows authentication pop up with Protractor?

Based on these two questions- How to handle authentication in Chrome 59 and duplicate question, I think hitting a previous page with the authentication credentials,before the actual authentication pag …
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1 vote

How to test angularJS search dropdown with Selenium

Refer to the HTML for the drop down, <label class="select2-offscreen" for="s2id_autogen1_search">Organization</label> <input id="s2id_autogen1_search" class="select2-input" autocomplete="off" autocor …
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9 votes

What tool to use for end to end testing of SPA (Single Page Application)

WebDriverIO / Protractor How about using WebDriverIO or using Protractor since they both are the JS like-version of Selenium, using Cucumber for the BDD syntax. We have a SPA, built using Angular4 , …
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1 vote

Wait until in Select element using selenium

You can use the waits that Selenium provides you in order to wait for countries to load. You can either use implicit wait or explicit wait (recommended). Please read the Selenium documentation for mo …
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9 votes

How does chromedriver.exe work on a core and fundamental level

Sadly none of the answers above are explaining what the real question here is. To understand how the chromedriver works fundamentally, you need to understand the root first. What is WebDriver any …
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0 votes

How to open new tab in browser in selenium 3.0?

This is how I'm doing it using the JS '' in my executeScript method in Protractor. describe('Open a new window', ()=> { it('opening a new window', function() { browser.exec …
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