The AUT is built with LAMP* Stack and is the Intranet Home app and is going to be used by almost all employees of a large corporation. Application Performance Testing is carried out using HPE suite of tools (LoadRunner). The average user load is determined to be 150 users, average hourly page views is determined to be approx 4000/hour and we already did an endurance test as described below:
- Ramp up 75 users, 2 every 20 seconds
- Run for 6 hours
- Ramp down 30 users from it simultaneously
- Run the 45 users for another 4 hours
- Ramp down another 15 users simultaneously
- Run for another 2 hours with the users(30) left
- Then ramp up another 45 users and repeat above steps for next 12 hours.
I have two questions:
- What is wrong with the above strategy? Should we have run the test for a lower transaction target but using the same number as baseline (150) users?
- What should be the key metrics we should be looking for as a part of the endurance test? Where should we be looking for answers? I am not talking about 'Long Term Application stability' kind of answers. More details would definitely help
*LAMP Stack - Drupal, Varnish & Redis for Caching, Apache, MySQL/MariaDB mostly on Oracle Linux.
Let me know if you would like more details. Thanks for all the help so far.