I would like to be able to run a subset of it's or describe's in a Jasmine test file using jest with some type of tagging system.
I know I can indicate a filter of sorts by using a word after the keyword jest in the command line. For example, running `jest dashboard' when there are 2 test files, 'dashboard.api.spec.js' and 'navigation.api.spec.js', will only run the tests in 'dashboard.api.spec.js'. But what if I have a subset of dashboard tests in 'dashboard.api.spec.js' that I consider smoke tests that I want to be able to pinpoint to run?
I've seen the documentation on 'fit' and 'fdescribe', but that requires the user to modify the source code. I'd prefer to be able to say something like jest --tags='smoke'. I found something similar on the jest github: Issue 2846, but it seems it was shot down in August 2017.
Is there another module or way to configure jest short of making multiple files with different subsets of tests that would fit what I'm trying to accomplish?