I need to automate the two Web applications in parallel and that needs to validate in Chrome browsers.

So I have two testng XML files(testng1.xml and testng2.xml), my scenario is to launch one chrome browser per xml file, so two chrome browsers in parallel.

Also I have common class for launching Chrome browser where I have initialized the webdriver.

Launch Browser code:

public class LaunchBrowser
    public static WebDriver driver = null;

    public LaunchBrowser()


    public LaunchBrowser(WebDriver drive)
      System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "C:\\selenium\\drivers\\chromedriver.exe");
      driver = new ChromeDriver();

   public void initDriver()
     if (driver == null)
        System.setProperty("webdriver.chrome.driver", "C:\\selenium\\drivers\\chromedriver.exe");
        driver = new ChromeDriver();



<suite name="Suite1">

<test name="Browser">
        <class name="com.ci.selenium.LaunchBrowser" />

<test name="Google">
        <class name="com.ci.selenium.Google" />

<test name="Gmail">
        <class name="com.ci.selenium.GmailLogin" />


 <suite name="Suite2">
   <test name="01StackOverflow">
       <class name="com.ci.selenium.Stackoverflow" />

  <test name="02StackLogin">
        <class name="com.ci.selenium.StackLogin" />

Google Class in xml1

public class Google
   WebDriver d;

   LaunchBrowser l = new LaunchBrowser();

   public void launch()
     LaunchBrowser ll = new LaunchBrowser(d);
   public void f() throws InterruptedException

GmailLogin Class in xml1

 public class Gmail
    public void test() throws InterruptedException

StackOverflow class in xml2

public class Stackoverflow
  WebDriver d1;

  LaunchBrowser l = new LaunchBrowser(d1);

  public void f() throws InterruptedException 
     System.out.println(l==null ? "null" : "not null");

StackOverflow Login

 public class StackLogin

    LaunchBrowser l = new LaunchBrowser();

    public void f() throws InterruptedException

The above code is not running in parallel exceution. So kindly help to resolve this scenario.

  • Did you do a google search on how to run a test cases in parallel in TestNG? Because there are already lot of material on it.
    – Alok
    Commented Jan 17, 2018 at 6:59
  • You have to configure the number of threads in testng.xml configuration. One sample reference link: howtodoinjava.com/testng/testng-executing-parallel-tests
    – Bhavani
    Commented Jan 17, 2018 at 7:07
  • Hi Anok, I want to run the xml files in parallel, not the parallel execution of test methods. Since test method in each xml file depends on each other. For eg : If we want to login gmail account we need to go Google.com. So gmail login is depends on Google.com. Like that the two xml files were created.
    – MoNa
    Commented Jan 17, 2018 at 7:47
  • My use case is, I have n number of XML test suite files and each xml file should run in individual chrome browser in parallel. Please let me the better solution to achieve this scenario.
    – MoNa
    Commented Jan 17, 2018 at 12:47
  • You create two suite xml files and call that in testng.xml (Suite-of-suite). This should help. stackoverflow.com/questions/26810342/…
    – Alok
    Commented Jan 17, 2018 at 18:40

1 Answer 1


I have achieved this scenario and works fine for me.

Please click the below link for the answer.

One Browser per testNG XML Suite file

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