The task is simple: to extract the link of an audio of pronunciation for a word from a Yahoo Dictionary Webpage: e.g. Yahoo's Dictionary@ "real"
Using "Chropath", I can locate the Xpath of the element that contains the ".mp3" src link. The Xpath is
//div[@class='compText ml-10 d-ib']//span[contains(@class,'d-ib dict-sound va-mid audio-0')]
However, when I try to use the below coding, it seems that the find_element_by_Xpath method returns nothing. (Remarks: note the "SoundURL " part)
from selenium import webdriver
from import Options
from import By
import os
# instantiate a chrome options object so you can set the size and headless preference
options = Options()
word = "real"
print("start driver...", end='')
driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options, executable_path="F:\Python_Module\chromedriver.exe")
driver.get(''+ word)
Pronunciation = driver.find_element_by_class_name(" fz-14").text
Meaning = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='compList mb-25 ml-25 p-rel']//ul").get_attribute('innerHTML')
SoundURL = driver.find_element_by_xpath("//div[@class='compText ml-10 d-ib']//span[contains(@class,'d-ib dict-sound va-mid audio-0')]").get_attribute('innerHTML')
print("Print Function started")
print("begin pronunciation")
print("begin pronunciation")
print("begin Meaning")
print("end Meaning")
print("begin sound")
print("end sound")
As shown in the screencap, I would like to extract the following element:
<audio src="" xpath="1"></audio>