I'm getting heap size errors when working with my test plan. I'm not executing it - these errors occur when doing the following:
- do a search for a string within the test plan
- copy or move http requests to a new Controller
The latter issue is slowing progress, since after making a recording I need to move elements around. I've lost more than one recording when the heap size error occurs. After the message appears, JMeter is effectively broken - it will be unresponsive and although it can be interacted with, it's useless since heap usage is at max and doesn't reduce even after an hour or more. If I crash out of the application, I am left with a broken jmx, where data has not been written properly.
For doing correlation, I am unable to do a search and replace, since searching quickly maxes out memory. For this I instead use Notepad++
I've got JMeter 5.5 and running Java 17. I use the BZM Correlation Recorder to make the recording (I don't use the recorder functionality to correlate anything, since it quickly became clear there are too many requests). I am running on a Windows 10 VM with 16BG of memory. I have set the heap size using file 'setenv.bat' under bin folder with following: set HEAP=-Xms1g -Xmx10g -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=256m
I did initially try this at max of 12GB but this was also causing problems with the VM.
To mention, the test plan is around 16MB. It has a lot of http requests (around 3000). The reason for this large number is that we're testing a mapping service and emulating a user session results in hundreds of requests. Unsure if I am missing anything obvious to prevent this happening but happy to try anything at this point! Cheers Dan