Update: I used some hit and trial method for this issue and found that this issue of slowness occurs only when Coded UI (or my code) encounters any Date-Type text field. If there is no Date-Field over the page which is used by test cases, then execution is fast enough. Further digging into issue make me understand that almost all the date-fields have Client Side validation scripts and each date field use masking. So, I tried the same with Coded UI recording and found that if during record and playback, I enter a value in date field using Keyboard, then playback is too slow, but if uses Calendar control to select a date then playback is fast enough. This is the root cause of the issue.
Solution: Didn't get any solution, because I can't use Calendar control for selecting a past date which is like multiple clicks on the calendar. Tried using 'SendKeys' instead of 'text' for setting the value of the text field but still no improvement.
I hope this updated information will provide some hint in providing an answer to this question.
Update ends.
I am creating some test cases in Coded UI using handwritten code. For the same, I have created a generic function for finding a Text Box and then setting its value. Code for that function is provided below. I call this function every time I need to provide value for a text box over any page.
public static void FindTextBox_SetText(BrowserWindow brw, string str_uiElementPrimaryLocator, string str_uiElementSecondaryLocator, string str_uiElementInputValue)
Boolean bol_textBoxFound;
HtmlEdit html_textBox = new HtmlEdit(brw);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(str_uiElementInputValue))
if (brw.Exists)
html_textBox.SearchProperties[HtmlEdit.PropertyNames.Id] = str_uiElementPrimaryLocator;
html_textBox.SearchProperties[HtmlEdit.PropertyNames.Name] = str_uiElementSecondaryLocator;
bol_textBoxFound = html_textBox.Exists;
if (bol_textBoxFound)
html_textBox.Text = "";
html_textBox.Text = str_uiElementInputValue;
Assert.IsTrue(bol_textBoxFound, "TextBox not found");
Assert.IsTrue(brw.Exists, "Browser window for finding the TextBox does not exists.");
//Do nothing
Implementation Example: In my application I have a page which has 8-10 text fields (some page have more than that and some have less), 2-3 dropdowns etc. For each page I have created a separate method for filling all the fields of that page 9as that page is being used in many test cases, so to avoid code repetition, I created a separate method for page fields) and for each Text box field, I call this above function. So, in short, this function is being called 10 times in a test case.
Issue: First 3-4 calls to this function are completed in seconds (very short duration), while next 2-3 calls take minutes to complete. To better describe issue, when Coded UI runs my test, it finds text box (T1) and then insert its value in 1 sec (let's say), then it finds T2 and insert its value in the same time, then it finds T3 and insert its value in the same time but; when it goes to 4th or 5th field, it takes 1-2 minutes to Empty and Fill that field and then again next 3-4 fields are filled in seconds. no matter what is the order of fields (i.e. T1, T2, T3 --> Fast processing; T4, T5 --> Slow processing OR T3, T4, T1 --> Fast Processing; T2, T5 --> Slow Processing). I tried to Debug the test case and found that most of the time is being consumed at these two lines of code for the 3rd and 4th field
html_textBox.Text = "";
html_textBox.Text = str_uiElementInputValue;
Why is this happening (as I am calling the same function) and What is the solution or better approach for this.
HTML for Text Box and Date Fields are:-
<input name="FindVariables.RecordNumber" class="form-control valid" id="FindVariables_RecordNumber" aria-invalid="false" aria-describedby="FindVariables_RecordNumber-error FindVariables_RecordNumber-error" type="text" value="" data-val-atleastonerequired-properties="FileNumber,ID,RecordNumber,SellerNumber,StartDate,SaleDateStart" data-val-atleastonerequired="At least one marked field is required to search." data-val="true" autocomplete="off">
<input name="FindVariables.StartDate" class="form-control type-date hasDatepicker" id="FindVariables_StartDate" type="text" value="" data-val-regex-pattern="(99|0?[1-9]|1[012])/(0?[1-9]|[12][0-9]|3[01]|99)/(99|[1-3]\d\d\d)" data-val-regex="Valid date is required (MM/DD/YYYY)" data-val-atleastonerequired-properties="FileNumber,ID,RecordNumber,SellerNumber,StartDate,SaleDateStart" data-val-atleastonerequired="At least one marked field is required to search." data-val="true" autocomplete="off">
method. You may find that the control that eventually gets