I'd like to verify my idea of setting up test architecture in projects managed by Jira.
Jira itself does not provide tools for unit or functional testing, but it has different plugins to manage testing and some for managing automated testing, e.g. TestFLO Automation - can run autometed tests and save their results (JUnit format) as Jira issues.
So the sequence of steps to define test automation architecture in Jira would be as follows:
- Define test automation frameworks/software which could be used with your product.
- Check their integration with Jira with usage of Jira plugins.
- Select sets
testing frameworks/software -- Jira plugin
that best suits your needs.
Is this strategy right? Or is there any other strategy?
UPDATE (2018.05.04):
Actual sequence of steps was:
Precondition: We know that we should use Jira to track bugs & manage tasks
- Define test-automation tools (we decided to use: testng + webdriver + maven + allure)
- Then we had to select test management tool (Jira plugin or stand-alone app) which could be integrated with Jira & autotests. We chose testrail for some reasons, and use its API to integrate with autotest (pass results from autotests to testrail)