I'm looking for a test management tool
(mainly for manual testing
), that would allow me to associate tests with multiple projects.
We're a consulting firm that has many clients with different configurations and creates products for both specific clients and products that should work with any of our clients.
I'm looking for a system that will allow me to create tests that I can associate with specific clients and specific products.
Things like Always test 'X'
if you are testing this client regardless of the product we are pushing out the door.
Always test 'Y' when testing this product
regardless of the client we are testing with at the moment.
And finally, things like do this test only when deploying to client "X" product "Y"
Most of these tests would be manual, but I'm looking for a way of having our testers go in and say, I'm deploying product X to customer Y what do I test? And get back a list of tests?
Is anything like that out there?