I am working in Ubuntu. I want to automate a desktop application.

Currently, I have worked with Selenium for automating web application, but Selenium doesn't support desktop applications.

I've heard about AutoIt tool. Does it work on the Ubuntu OS? What should I do?

  • Are you testing a Windows application on Ubuntu? You can try out wine.
    – Yu Zhang
    Commented Mar 13, 2017 at 17:25
  • How about sikuli?
    – Rao
    Commented Mar 14, 2017 at 5:43

3 Answers 3


I would check out Sikuli http://www.sikuli.org/. It works on image recognition so it would work on Windows and non-windows so long as the target image is the same. I have found that in general it works really well for anything desired.


No, AutoIt does not have an Ubuntu version. It is a windows only automation tool.

The Ubuntu team has their own test automation pages, it also lists some tools they use to test their own application.

Other alternatives: https://askubuntu.com/questions/822075/what-is-the-equivalent-tool-for-autoit-in-ubuntu


I want to automate a desktop application

You need a copy of Windows; installed or a VM.

I heard about AutoIT. Is it working on ubuntu os ?

AutoIT is only available on Windows and is a scripting tool. It can be paired with Selenium.

What should I do?

You can use AutoIT + Selenium (A Google search will turn up many guides on how). Otherwise, there are COTS that can test desktop applications, like Ranorex.

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