
I am trying to launch an iOS app using app-inspector. It's failing and I can see error

Internal Server Error on webpage baseURL.

Getting below error:

Error: connect ECONNREFUSED

Any one resolved this? If anyone is also facing same issue, please add your findings in comments.


  • iOS version : 10.2.1
  • Mac iOS Version : 10.12 [macOS Sierra]
  • Appium : 1.1.0-beta.2 or Appium1.6.5
  • Xcode : 8.3.3
  • no it is not working same error Commented Nov 3, 2017 at 9:29

2 Answers 2


I faced similar issue:

  • please open this /usr/local/lib/node_modules/app-inspector/node_modules/xctestwd/XCTestWD/XCTestWD.xcodeproj in xcode
  • under signin, please mention your developer id, and change the bundle id name also
  • then navigate to the folder and run this command:

    xcodebuild -project XCTestWD.xcodeproj -scheme XCTestWDUITests -destination 'platform=iOS,id=(your device name)' XCTESTWD_PORT=8001 clean test 

    It will install the xctestwd on port 8001

  • start u r App-inspector -u udid

It will work.

  • Didn't work :( xcodebuild -project XCTestWD.xcodeproj -scheme XCTestWDUITests -destination 'platform=iOS,id=(your device name)' XCTESTWD_PORT=8001 clean test Commented Mar 30, 2018 at 10:21

Finally, It started working for me!

  1. Clean & Build your 3 projects [Your actual targeted automation project + WebDriverAgent + XCTest]
  2. Verify Team ID is correct and Profiles are valid
  3. Crosscheck your Macaca installation on your machine
  4. Run app-inspector -u YOUR-DEVICE-ID Refer_link

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