Is there a possibility of using REST Assured library for testing SOAP webservices? I have a bunch of Test Suites in SOAP UI and I need to check if there is possibility of using REST Assured. Can anyone suggest if this is possible? Many thanks for any comments.


3 Answers 3


Yes it is possible. I have written this code and it is working form me:

Created a file SoapRequestFile.xml with the content:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:tem="http://tempuri.org/">

Then here is code I have written in eclipse:

public void postMethod() throws Exception {
        FileInputStream fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(new File(".\\SOAPRequest\\SoapRequestFile.xml"));
         Response response=given()
                .header("Content-Type", "text/xml")
        XmlPath jsXpath= new XmlPath(response.asString());//Converting string into xml path to assert
        String rate=jsXpath.getString("GetConversionRateResult");
        System.out.println("rate returned is: " +  rate);

Yes, it is possible, however not necessarily easy.

SOAP Web service is (usually) receiving HTTP requests with XML in the body and sending back HTTP responses with XML in the body.

REST-assured can send HTTP requests with any content, including XML. It can also verify XML in responses with GPath.

Here's an example from REST-assured site:

Imagine that a POST request to http://localhost:8080/greetXML returns:


i.e. it sends back a greeting based on the firstName and lastName parameter sent in the request. You can easily perform and verify e.g. the firstName with REST assured:

         parameters("firstName", "John", "lastName", "Doe").
         body("greeting.firstName", equalTo("John")).

The problem is that SOAP Requests and SOAP Responses are usually far more complex and you will need to understand WSDL descriptors yourself.


REST-assured does not have direct support for testing SOAP services, but it is possible by manually setting the SOAPAction and Content-Type headers and doing an HTTP POST etc. Then you can run XPath assertions on the response like you do for normal REST services in REST-assured.

I suggest you also evaluate Karate as it has built-in support for SOAP, and also makes XML manipulation a lot easier.

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