I am using JUnit to make automation test , the context is changed to hybrid App , after tests I`m making output excel file with the result. I am new to the automation and found a way if something is not found and etc. to use try / catch block to fill the excel file with the result . Everything looks that work like a charm I think ,but I have issue when there is a long Test Case ( with a lot of test steps) , if something goes to the "catch block" the test steps in the excel file are marked as "Pass" after the "Fail" test step . Which I want to fix . Is there a way if some test step is marked as "FAIL" , all the other test steps under him to be marked also like "FAIL" or something like that .

public class LoginProcess extends Settings {
static SXSSFWorkbook workbook;
public static String[] columns = { "TestStep", "ExpectedResult", "Pass/Fail" };
public static List<TestCaseForExcel> testCases = new ArrayList<>();

public void BeforeTest() throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException {


public void TC_1_LoginProcess() throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException {

        try {
            testCases.add(new TestCaseForExcel("Opened Customer application", "Splash screen opened", "PASS"));
        } catch (Exception e) {
            testCases.add(new TestCaseForExcel("Opened Customer application", "Splash screen opened", "FAIL"));


        // Click on Login Button
        try {
            testCases.add(new TestCaseForExcel("Press Login button", "Login screen opened", "PASS"));
        } catch (Exception e ) {
            testCases.add(new TestCaseForExcel("Press Login button", "Login screen openedd", "FAIL"));



In that case if the xpath is broken , and the element is not shown , the 2nd test step is written as "PASS" ,and its not even properly checked ,because of the first test step "FAIL"

1 Answer 1


Is there a way if some test step is marked as "FAIL" , all the other test steps under him to be marked also like "FAIL" or something like that?

At the start of the test declare a boolean to serve as your flag and wrap each try catch.

var keepGoing = true;
if (keepGoing) {
    try {
        // your code
    } catch {
        // your code
        keepGoing = false;
// rinse repeat

This gets the job done but I wouldn't call it a best practice. This is where Asserts came in. If you Assert a condition and it fails, the test method stops in its tracks (via throwing an Exception, which you would then log).

  • 1
    @It works , just " keep going " must be boolean type not " var " in java , because variable cant be boolean type
    – RosS
    Commented Apr 27, 2018 at 11:47

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