We didn't implement automated deployment yet to our Angular 7 project, so environment-based variables (e.g baseUrl) are changed manually, causing the application to crash after deployment a lot due to wrong variable values.

Does it make sense to write some environment-specific tests to ensure that the correct values are being passed and set and how to go about this (e.g. conditional statements based on node_env, separate test files for each environment, ...)?

Things I want to keep in mind are:

  • Code coverage
  • Applying DRY to not repeat tests that wouldn't be different based on different environments
  • Should I use E2E or unit tests or both for the mentioned purpose.
  • 1
    To me this is a valid question. Having to manually change the baseURL seems like a design flaw. It should be testes via unit testing yet again - if the variable is set manually there is not much to test, as the url is hardcoded.
    – Moro
    Commented May 31, 2019 at 8:58
  • @Moro I appreciate that. It definitely is, but in real life, I can't just automate everything, so I am trying to improve the application step by step, and for me the wrong values for things like baseURL are a huge headache, even with environment variables things can get missy. That's why I am posting the question so see the best way to ensure that these variables are set and are set correctly. Commented May 31, 2019 at 12:48

1 Answer 1


if it makes sense to write some environment-specific tests ?

Absolutely! This is also frequently the job of smoke tests which basically assert that the latest deployment was successfull with very simple tests such as 'can I reach the page or do I get a 404'

Testing the tests is an essential part of any quality automation system.
You should generally test the tests for:

  • Environment variables set correctly *
  • Page Object Duplicates
  • Page Object Orphans
  • Test Code complexity
  • Test code syntax and linting
  • Test code quality

In your case smoke tests and environment variable tests should be used.

*You'll need to think this through. Obviously static code 'does x = 1' does not respect different environments. Also you want to avoid statement like does url = x and username = y and password = z. Think through a system that forces you to update these items. Maybe check the update timestamp of the variables file, maybe use a deployment step or sha to do this.


Automate the entire process. When you need variables for a given environment, make sure they have to be updated as an automated step of the deployment process.

  • I definitely need to automate the process, but this of course a long process. Meanwhile, I think smoke tests are good, I found a very good example letscodejavascript.com/v3/transcripts/lessons_learned/4#tabs. Just to be clear, when and where should I run the smoke tests? in a duplicate (staging server) environment or in the production environment? Commented May 31, 2019 at 12:46
  • 1
    The environment you are deploying to. If they fail you stop or rollback immediately Commented May 31, 2019 at 13:39
  • I.e. production in this case Commented May 31, 2019 at 13:40

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