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Questions tagged [e2e]

End-to-end testing is a methodology used to test whether the flow of an application is performing as designed from start to finish.

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1 answer

What is End-to-End Testing

We are debating in our team if we should call our test end-to-end testing or regression testing. Can you explain in detail the difference between the two and what is the scope and coverage?
Alan Barona's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Cypress.js : How to change default path for your e2e tests?

in v13.3.0, after you install Cypress.js into your repo, it creates these four default directories: /cypress/e2e /cypress/fixtures /cypress/support /cypress/downloads the first one is where it ...
secretAgent's user avatar
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Does Playwright offer clickable test suite that anybody can run through a dashboard page?

We need to implement automated E2E testing that would allow anybody on the team to visit the dashboard page and review test run reports and at the same time initiate new tests with a button click. Is ...
Abhishek's user avatar
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1 answer

Should I implement both possible and negative test cases for this scenario?

I am testing a web-based application. One feature of this application is to accommodate customizable elements in a given region. There are several regions: Top Top-left Top-right Items Right Bottom ...
Yu Zhang's user avatar
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Best way to plug in several sub flows as part of a single one in Cypress?

I am currently working on integrating Cypress e2e tests in our existing CI/CD pipeline (I'm not an automation engineer but a developer). Our application is a fintech app which involves the typical ...
Oscar Calderon's user avatar
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How to handle the dialog "Allow site to store data in persistent storage?" in Firefox using Playwright?

I would like to handle this popping out dialog in Firefox browser and allow storing data in persistent storage in Playwright's E2E tests. Currently, this lack of permission interrupts my tests. How ...
kosteklvp's user avatar
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Is there a way to execute end-to-end testing one after the other (not multi-threaded)

We are setting up a new step on our build server to trigger E2E testing, as we did for UT. Some E2E make changes to the test database, so we encounter problems because the tests are not executed one ...
Rabskatran's user avatar
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Testing Coverage Metrics for BDD automation Testing

My manager would like me to have a way to measure the overall amount of testing coverage that is done in a sprint. I used to use an excel spreadsheet in the past but he doesn't want to do that. I ...
fypnlp's user avatar
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1 answer

Should I separate my API tests from E2E tests

I have a system that displays data it gets from API calls. There are multiple objects and every object has 7-8 properties. User is not allowed to change values and the system has a simple UI. I want ...
archbtw's user avatar
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Tools for microservice E2E automation testing

What are currently the best or most popular tools/solutions for automated end-to-end testing of microservices (preferably with an entry-level as low as possible)? The CI/CD process is GitLab-based ...
HighPredator's user avatar
4 votes
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Shall I put my e2e tests and performance test frameworks on the same repository?

I am using Cypress for my e2e tests and k6 for my performance tests. They are both in Javascript and access the same config json files (I use this for my environment variables). The folder structure ...
ebanster's user avatar
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Protractor E2E Test Cases migration from Angular 2+ application to React

If we have E2E test cases written for an Angular2+ application using protactor, if we migrate the Angular2+ application to React, how difficult it will be to migrate those E2E test cases to work ...
Kiran's user avatar
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5 votes
6 answers

How can I measure the coverage of my E2E tests?

I'm looking for a way to measure the coverage of my end-to-end tests. I have some existing E2E tests already and I'm adding more test scenarios to it. But I would like to have a way to quantify the ...
xenon's user avatar
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1 answer

Tools to e2e test compiled binaries in integrated dockerized environment?

After searching for tools to do the test of user scenarios, grade e2e, of binaries fully installed in their environment (meaning containers... Docker), I found nothing that looks match my needs. So ...
Sandburg's user avatar
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1 answer

E2E Test application flow on multiple devices

Our applications flow start on desktop. At later phase there are some scenarios where the processes require an approval on a touch device. The user waits at a page on desktop. If the user opens the ...
Justbrave's user avatar
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2k views - Use selector to get all grand children?

Using For <table> <tbody> <td></td> I can get all the td elements with $$('td'). But I can't with $('table').$$('td'). Instead I have to do $('tbody')...
dman's user avatar
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1 answer

Is Nested Describes Acceptable For The Purpose Of Readability?

Is it ok to have a nested describe for the purpose of read ability? Example: describe('Atlas Search ', () => { beforeEach(() => browser.pause(20)); before(()=> { searchPage....
dman's user avatar
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1 answer

Cypress redirect e2e test with stripe js

I am writing an e2e test in cypress for an online store and after clicking the confirm purchase button it redirects to stripe page (not iframe but one-time payment redirect to their website) to input ...
Daniel Vianna's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Pros and cons of using database dump in autotesting?

I'm going to write API and e2e auto-tests, and planning this encountered the problem of how to load test data needed to execute test cases. I see 2 approaches: Use api to create necessary resources....
ogbofjnr's user avatar
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How to tell protractor to wait for each command for 3 seconds

I am running angular e2e scripts. I am adding explicit wait for every element. Instead, is it possible to tell protractor to delay 3 seconds for every command?
STE's user avatar
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Protractor- switch from non- angular to angular

Login page is non- angular. So I set browser.ignoreSynchronization = true; Then after passing the login screen, I have set browser.ignoreSynchronization = false. Also, I have used browser.refresh(). ...
STE's user avatar
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3 answers

How to best prepare for automating e2e tests?

I've started a new career at a company which has not used test automation before and whole and manual QA level is very basic. Before making any e2e tests I'd like to know: What exactly should I have ...
Orkhan M.'s user avatar
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1 answer

Number of actors in E2E tests

We have roughly 30 Cucumber tests and a few actors that run these tests that have been created based on our service's personas. Exemplifying this: We have a C2C ecommerce platform and an user. Users ...
XCore's user avatar
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2 answers

Is there a better way of carrying out basic text and form validation instead of doing it at E2E?

My understanding of E2E tests is that we should be carrying out tests that run through the whole system to check if everything works together via Selenium (for a web application). However, I've seen ...
user3054735's user avatar
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2 answers

How should I perform an E2E test for a report that updates only once per day?

I would like to perform an end-to-end test where I create some data via a UI and then verify it appears in the appropriate report the following day. The challenge is that the report only updates once ...
abc's user avatar
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Writing different tests for different environments

We didn't implement automated deployment yet to our Angular 7 project, so environment-based variables (e.g baseUrl) are changed manually, causing the application to crash after deployment a lot due to ...
Mazen Elkashef's user avatar
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Transition from selenium to protractor - worth it?

Over the last few weeks, We have been experimenting with a protractor+typescript+cucumber framework for our new Angular 6 application. The main reason we thought our present Selenium+Cucumber+java ...
Monnie_tester's user avatar
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Code coverage in react webapp

I'm a little bit stuck with a task that I have been researching. It's about code coverage in a react webapp. I implemented a few unit tests using jest + enzyme. also some functional test, using ...
Diego Lamas's user avatar
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How to enter acceptable fake data to login page which is tests using protractor?

I am completely new to the protractor and currently, I'm testing my login page using my own login data and I want to use dummy data as profile login data. Can these enter in my spec.ts file or ...
Sanjani Gunathilaka's user avatar
14 votes
10 answers

What could a QA engineer do when a project is in an early stage?

Good day, beautiful and smart people! We've been prototyping an application and it is more or less at the MVP stage and the customer, seeing the minimum desired functionality, is taking things ...
alecxe's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to structure automated tests for feature with two dashboards?

I'm going to prepare e2e tests for chat app with two customer dashboards. First (written in Angular) is accessible from desktop browsers and second (Ionic) through mobile devices. When customer ...
tiglatpilesar's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Scrolling to Bottom of the Text Area using Protractor

I have a text field that I need to scroll to the bottom of in order for the Next button to be activated to click. This project is using Angular 6 my tests are end to end test running on the protractor/...
Steven Rutherford's user avatar
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Why does Selenium suddenly skips all my tests?

I'am used to run the E2E test couple of times a day during development... Today It suddenly skips all my test and all my spec files register.e2e-spec.ts I didn't do any changes or updates on my spec ...
k.vincent's user avatar
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E2E - Is it possible to share data between e2e.spec files?

I do have 2 *.e2e-spec.ts files for an E2E testing. So now I would like to share data between these files. e.g. an email which is used for a signup signup-e2e.spec.ts and I would like to use it for ...
k.vincent's user avatar
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Protractor - How to extract a link from HTML string?

In one of my test cases, I'm able to get the entire HTML e-mail message sent to a user. The message contains text, button, a link, etc. My Issue is that I need to extract the href link in order to ...
k.vincent's user avatar
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2 answers

How to make a variable in `protractor.conf.js` available in spec file?

I have a variable in protractor.conf.js which is exported within onPrepare() function as: global.myVariable = myVariable, and in spec file I'am trying to use/call it, but it seems that it can't be ...
k.vincent's user avatar
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E2E: Retrieve email-link - How to invoke callBack function for mailListener?

I do have an E2E test for retrieving confirmation email after registration. I need the link in the confirmation email to login the user as the link in the email contains the token etc. for access. ...
k.vincent's user avatar
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E2E: How to execute click event twice and successively - without any error?

I do have a register process/form which passes email, password, confirmPass and a tc checkbox which has a boolean value. When the user submits the form, an open dialogue with a text opens and in the ...
k.vincent's user avatar
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