I have copied some text from the website and then pasted it into the text file. And also I did the same thing to paste the second text using the "Append To File" keyword. I want to paste the first text in the first row and the second text in the next row. How could I do that?

This is what I have so far,

*** Test Cases ***


Open Browser    ${BASE_URL}     gc
EXECUTE JAVASCRIPT    window.scrollTo(200,400)
sleep  5s

${Text} =  Get Text    xpath=//div[2]/md-card/header/h2
${Value} =  Get Text    css=.recommended-size
createFile     C:/MyProjects/Records/File.txt      ${Text}
Append To File      C:/MyProjects/Records/File.txt    ${Space}
Append To File      C:/MyProjects/Records/File.txt   ${Value}

log to console   success
sleep  2s

Screenshot 1 - Result

I got the result as the above screenshot, and what I want to do is, I want to paste the "1km" on the next line.

Please help to solve this issue. Any guidance and advice will be greatly appreciated!

1 Answer 1


You can try this

${Text} =  Catenate    SEPARATOR=    Text1    \n     Text2     \n 
${Value}     set variable  Text4
createFile          ${EXECDIR}/File.txt      ${Text}
Append To File      ${EXECDIR}/File.txt   ${Value}

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