Day before yesterday while chatting my friend(also a tester) he raised the topic theory vs practical in testing.
His points of concern were that by theory software testing has phases like planning, estimation, scripting and execution. If all are carried out properly then testing will go on smoothly every time, but that doesn't seem to happen in reality.
In reality we have all come across various factors that prevents this perfect theory from becoming a reality.
We tried to see various scenarios and possibilities on this but couldn't reach on proper conclusion.
Well I have also done testing dependent on context but the way my friend was trying to make his point it got me thinking,
Is there a relation between the theoretical and practical testing? I clearly saw a gap between the 2, but my point of concern is if there is a connection then I'm clearly not able to see it! I'd like to get to know if these 2 can be bridged and a middle path could be found!