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Waiting for two events in Selenide

I have code, written on Selenium which waits for the first or for the second event. But all testing framework uses Selenide. The question is how to rewrite such code on Selenide, to avoid unxpectable ...
Wit's user avatar
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NullPointerException-webdriver null

I put a screenshot with getDriverInstance. After run. When I run the test, I get this error. At debug it tells me, that the WebDriver is null. Can anyone help me with a solution how to fix the ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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In the screen how to navigate to the row which contains the text that needs to be Edited and then click on Edit button.Can some one pls guide.NeedHelp

In the screen how to navigate to the row which contains the text that needs to be Edited and then click on Edit button. Scenario: I have a screen where I need to find the row which has the value as &...
sandy's user avatar
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2 answers

How to avoid errors occur as 'Unable to locate the element'?

Here I wanted to run this method properly when boolean values are false, but when running this method it always failed the test case saying "no such element: Unable to locate element".How ...
user3806999's user avatar
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How to Verify Previous Month Arrow should not present in Current Month in GoIbibo Site

I am unable to Verify Previous Month arrow should not be present in DatePicker but as it is not present in DOM getting Exception unable to find Such Exception. void fillDepartureDate() { // Date ...
Palak Soni's user avatar
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Unable to click on "Add Payment Method" button on Google Pay site

I am trying to click on "Add payment method" button under Payment Methods tab using selenium - Tried using xpath, className and cssSelector but looks ...
Khyati's user avatar
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Selenium: Capture DOM Elements Image

I have an API to capture the image of a particular element in DOM and return them. For that, I have a list of WebElements which needs to be captured into a single webpage. For that same, I have found ...
Romil Patel's user avatar
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Unable to set proxy with BrowserMobProxy while modifying http header request in Selenium with Java

I am able to modify http request header using BrowserMobProxy, the same way explained But, the problem I am having at the moment is, that I am executing my ...
udit choudhary's user avatar
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How to Automate using selenium Java if data is there in divs and changes every time

just as in the above image there is use of divs and every time the data (image) in that div changes. You are not even sure that how many divs will be therewith respect to row and columns. Kindly ...
Muhammad Atif Muneeb Alrai's user avatar
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What is the correct Xpath for this element?

I need to get the text inside the element and I am using Inner HTML, in Java Selenium but all the xpaths and css selectors written by me, are wrong, can you help me to get the right one please? Also ...
anmoruk15's user avatar
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Click getting to lower item (under dropdown) instead of dropdown in Selenium

I m trying to click on the dropdown menu item and i am able to select the dropdown and the menu item but instead of clicking on item the click is going to the element right under it. Before the ...
Twinkle Notna's user avatar
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Facing Timeout issue while earlier this code was working

import java.util.List; import org.openqa.selenium.By; import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver; import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement; import; public class Test1 { ...
Ashutosh Singh's user avatar
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Me being a Automation Tester (QA), how can I win a Ideathon? What should I develop for Ideathon? [closed]

I have over 9 years of experience in Automation. Still, I think my Java coding skills are limited. Having said that, if I target to win Ideathon 2019, what should I develop?
paul's user avatar
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How to click on Submit button from POP-UP window if submit button is available after scrolling page to down?

I am submitting a form value's through selenium and java. On the form initially I'm searching a product and selecting some values. Then it's showing a pop-up window with scroll to the pop up; see the ...
Muhammad Atif Muneeb Alrai's user avatar
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Need Some Help in implementing a logic for automating a web element using Selenium

Here is the html I am working on, the concept is to loop through the table and fetch all the td values. And based on the first td value, fetch the second td with tag strong inside the td tag e.g: I ...
shreya_bhatngr's user avatar
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3 answers

Unable to switch into third window - Selenium

I'm using below code to switch into windows : Set<String> handle=driver.getWindowHandles(); System.out.println(handle); Iterator<String> it=handle.iterator(); String ...
Bharat's user avatar
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Randomise the data for a sign up form

Which is the best/efficient way for a QAE to test the field validations for a sign up form: 1: Do I need to create a util class to randomly generate the data? or 2: Do I need to take hard-coded test ...
user2762008's user avatar
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How can I handle google popup and toast messages at the same time using Selenium? [closed]

On my website when I log in, toaster messages will appear on the screen and at the same time a Google popup is generated. How can I solve this problem? After logging in I'm trying to click on my ...
Ajith Guru's user avatar
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Work requires answering dozens of drop down questions, can I automate answering them? [closed]

If I just knew a script could answer the questions for me, I would learn from scratch in order to teach myself how to create the script to answer the questions. I personally do not know who to ask to ...
ferriterr's user avatar
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Is Java Robot API Platform Independent

I use selenium webdriver with Java, I used Robot API from Java for handling Window (OS) level pop-ups in automation My Questions are, is the ROBOT API platform independent, if i wanna use selenium ...
Mahadev's user avatar
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How to select an element from a drop down list inside 'svg viewbox' container using Java/WebDriver?

<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" style="display: inline-block; fill: rgb(224, 224, 224); height: 24px; width: 24px; transition: all 450ms cubic-bezier(0.23, 1, 0.32, 1) 0ms; position: absolute; right: ...
Punns's user avatar
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Selenium > new windows & pop-up : What is different between new window and browser alert in selenium?

This is very common scenario when we automate any web application. But I am little confused between new window and pop-up? Please can you add little examples?
Narendra Chandratre's user avatar
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Automation script for Minimal Form Interface with dynamic ids [duplicate]

I am trying to automate a minimal form interface using Selenium to capture an element & later Java code. But the challenge is the minimal form has only one input container which is constantly ...
Rajesh Rathod's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Selenium Web driver and Mozilla Firefox Compatibility

Currently am using selenium-java-2.53.0,can you tell me which is the most stable FF version for it.
Rajesh Rathod's user avatar
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Selenium Java WebDriver Can not Find Element with xpath or cssSelector

I can't find this element using selenium java webdriver. I have a before class method that loads the firefox driver and set the WebDriverWait. Then I have a test method to look for the elements with ...
seleniumappiumnewbie's user avatar
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Driver lost focus [closed]

I have one test case with java selenium webdriver. When I go to the login, everything is OK, but when I go to the other click in the new show, driver can´t find the object. Selenium IDE captured the ...
Liudmila Sánchez's user avatar
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Executing on a selected node in selenium grid

I have one scenario i.e.. I have one web view to take all actions(click,send-keys,opening new window) and locator types(ex: xpath,id,name and cssClassName) with these values I am going to create a ...
QAMember's user avatar
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How to run all Selenium test cases via batch file [closed]

I am a noob in Java and automation so please bear with me if I get the terminology wrong. I have a class file that can open a browser and navigate to and then closes the browser. There’s ...
soconfusing's user avatar
6 votes
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Testing ExtJS UI with WebDriver

Our Web app is using ExtJS framework for rendering UI. However, ExtJS-rendered UI is hard to test automatically because: For most clickable elements, ExtJS uses generated ids like "ext-gen-345" ...
dzieciou's user avatar
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