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Questions tagged [devops]

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4 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What are some good practices to reduce test redundancy across environments in deployment pipeline?

Background: In an agile team, working on complex front end application relying on heavy backend (implementing complex business logic) where new features are being released in a pipeline which goes ...
Vishal Aggarwal's user avatar
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Azure Access to Internal Selenium Server

We are currently testing out DevOps but one thing that I can't do is have MSTest hit our internal server (which is housed in Azure) that contains selenium and such. DevOps of course is external. I am ...
Greg P's user avatar
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Is there any alternative for AppCenter for mobile testing in Azure DevOps?

I am new to mobile testing, and using Appium for my tests. We are using Azure Devops. Since our team is relatively small and there's no really budget for QA, I am looking to see if there's any way I ...
Marj's user avatar
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How does Test Automation fit in the Continuous Delivery pipeline?

I work with Selenium, Java, Cucumber etc...and create Automation frameworks. My team is now using a CI/CD pipeline using Jenkins. How can i contribute to the delivery pipeline with Automation? What ...
jeff92's user avatar
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