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Questions tagged [regex]

Regex is short for regular expression - it is a string of characters that defines a search pattern used to validate against bodies of text.

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Where can I get a bunch of regex with some samples of their matches, non matches, for a wide test?

I'm currently attempting to correct an issue in OpenAPI generator that affects regex handling with Go language. I'm not really found of nor experienced in regex handling myself, but I guess I've found ...
Marc Le Bihan's user avatar
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Passing variable created from Regular Expression Extractor to HTTP Cookie Manager does not work in JMeter

I've added a regular expression extractor as a child element of the HTTP request From the regular expression extractor I've created a new variable called variabletest. Name of created variable: ...
Akmal's user avatar
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2 answers

Need help writing a regular expression to extract data from response in JMeter

I need to extract an ID from the response of an API call in JMeter. The response looks something like this: "sessionId":"Edhgjhsbdjkkmsdsd-dlkmsdl.Mkhsdiufhskjndjsbsbd.iusdhfjsnkdnsd&...
tejebog238's user avatar
3 votes
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How to extract a token from form html using regex

I would like to know how I use the regex in Jmeter to capture tokens from HTML. I have created a regex but it's not getting what I required. My HTML code with the token is : <html><head>&...
Jagannatha Mv's user avatar
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Variables in jsonpath expression

I have tested this Json extractor - JSON path expression to extract the GET response's model_name which value matched previous POST data. POST data: "model_name": "Model-Test-${variable}...
user2201789's user avatar
2 votes
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Unable to get Response Header Cookie and set it to another Request Body in Jmeter script

Not able to pass Response Header (Set-Cookie value) to another request Body in order to place a reservation. To place a reservation i need to get HoldReservation cookie from Reservedate API but when ...
Swetha C's user avatar
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Handling a dynamic refresh token on JMeter

I have recorded JMeter script for a website. One of the HTTP request is the below screenshot where a refresh_token is already set as a hard-coded parameter when I recorded the script first time. This ...
Harish Kumar's user avatar
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3 answers

JMeter not accepting Valid Regex, causing nothing to be posted

I'd like to prefix this question with the fact that i'm a novice when it comes to Jmeter and Regex. I have created a test plan for an ASP .Net application, which consists of a GET request, with a ...
coltest123's user avatar
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1 answer

How to construct a dynamic xpath with regex pattern [duplicate]

Pattern --> sometext + '(' + F|R|O|H|C + ')' String toolTipTextLabel = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//span[contains(@class,'chartTooltip-label')]/descendant::bdi[contains(text(),'(F|R|O|H|C)')]"))....
Anand's user avatar
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2 answers

How to extract dynamic values with jmeter Regular expression extractor?

Please let me know how to fetch the ID from the html using a regular expression & find the below expression i have used but am getting error response only. Response Body: "input type="hidden" ...
syed's user avatar
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getText() which is in between <div> </div> tag?

Get text which are in between tags DOM <div id="div_ResultMessage" class="AlertmsgDiv"> <div id="lblSuccessMessage" class="alert alert-success alert-dismissable"> <div ...
Rao's user avatar
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How to write regular expression for given text [closed]

I have below text content: trusted/75XqScyKRbuRYEATFl2cWg==:IUMN4RxUoWGSFvJMTJ69TkaA/t Where I've to extract only 75XqScyKRbuRYEATFl2cWg==:IUMN4RxUoWGSFvJMTJ69TkaA text. Someone please help me to ...
Ranganatha Reddy's user avatar