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2 votes

Allure vs extent report for Rest Assured API testing?

Extend Report: No CSS will be available local. If report has to be show in nice GUI internet should be there. Same to the user who is opening the report. Unless they dont have internet, you cannot see ...
Dina's user avatar
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Allure vs extent report for Rest Assured API testing?

Allure doesn't allow to have single html file that you could email to someone , it requires you to spawn up a jetty local server to view the report. Where as extentreport allow you to have a single ...
PDHide's user avatar
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AllureRestAssured , how to ignore logging headers

You can blacklist the headers you don't want to see in the report: given().config(config().logConfig(logConfig().blacklistHeader("Accept"))). .. Documentation here.
João Farias's user avatar
1 vote

How to share an allure report over email

You can use your build tools to save the generated report on the cloud, allowing you to share a link. E.g. this Jenkins plugin enables you to save the report as an artefact. Then you can simply give ...
João Farias's user avatar
1 vote

Allure vs extent report for Rest Assured API testing?

You could take a look at Test Observability - Others have already called out the challenge with the HTML reports Allure generates but it also requires a ...
DevOpsNinja's user avatar
1 vote

What is "normal" severity in Allure reporter?

Honestly, I think it's much more important to see a definition of severity levels. From what I know, different systems and defect management tools define different levels - in terms of names or even ...
pavelsaman's user avatar
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Is it possible to setup a Allure reporting server?

Probably. Allure is an open-source project. So you can change the code and decide where to store the results. Also if you can export the report you could manually store it on S3.
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
1 vote

Remove tests that were not executed from Allure report

After cleaning test results new report is generated without tests that are not included in test suite (xml). Because I am using maven the command to clean results is: mvn clean Or:
Ivan Gerasimenko's user avatar

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