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What tool to use for end to end testing of SPA (Single Page Application)

WebDriverIO / Protractor How about using WebDriverIO or using Protractor since they both are the JS like-version of Selenium, using Cucumber for the BDD syntax. We have a SPA, built using Angular4 , ...
demouser123's user avatar
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commit end 2 end / acceptance tests in FE or BE repository?

How to store code in a repository has many factors. How many people are working on this project? Who is responsible for testing (devs only, devs and qa)? What testing methods are in use: unit tests, ...
Lee Jensen's user avatar
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What tool to use for end to end testing of SPA (Single Page Application)

nightwatch.js module.exports = { 'Demo test Google' : function (client) { client .url('') .waitForElementVisible('body', 1000) .assert.title('Google') ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
2 votes

How to perform "front end unit testing" of Single Page Applications?

My approach to this is twofold: Jasmine Jasmine is unit testing of the javascript code. The first time I saw jasmine described as "unit testing" it took me a while to get it. I thought unit ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
1 vote

Is it possible to setup a Allure reporting server?

Probably. Allure is an open-source project. So you can change the code and decide where to store the results. Also if you can export the report you could manually store it on S3.
Niels van Reijmersdal's user avatar
1 vote

Writing tests for a complex Polymer SPA (single page application)

I do not think it makes sense to perform tests like opening two browsers and have them chatting against each other. It looks to me that you have step 1 and 2 well covered. What I would do is make some ...
Homewrecker's user avatar
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What tool to use for end to end testing of SPA (Single Page Application)

Well, like any other type of web application, single-page applications contain multiple layers of logic such as database connections, request handling, input form validation, template rendering, and ...
Alexandre Louis's user avatar

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