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Internet Explorer (commonly abbreviated to IE or MSIE) is a web browser developed by Microsoft and is included as part of Microsoft Windows. (If your question is about a specific version of IE, please also use appropriate tag, e.g.: ie9)

Internet Explorer is a web-browser and built-in component for the family of Microsoft Windows operating systems. It uses the Trident rendering engine and Chakra engine.

News and information about Internet Explorer is published on MSDN Blog and new capabilities are demonstrated via benchmarks on IE testdrive.

The latest stable release is Internet Explorer 11, with an interface allowing for use as both a desktop application, and as a windows-8 application.

Versions of Internet Explorer for other operating systems have also been produced, including an Xbox-360 version called Internet Explorer for Xbox and an embedded OEM version called pocket-ie (Pocket Internet Explorer), later rebranded Internet Explorer Mobile, which is based on Internet Explorer 9 and made for windows-phone, windows-ce, and previously, based on Internet Explorer 7 for Windows Mobile. It remains in development alongside the desktop versions. Internet Explorer for Mac and Internet Explorer for (solaris and hp-ux) have been discontinued.

Targeting IE in HTML and CSS

Internet explorer is assigned the vendor-prefix -ms- by the w3c for use in .

As of Internet Explorer 10, conditional comments are no longer supported but previous versions of Internet Explorer were able to be manipulated using conditional-comments


See Also:

Use the following tags for questions related to specific versions of Internet Explorer: