is on Android platform
, which has experienced slowness or long time loading a section's contents (more than 17s).
I can notice the app only has long time loading the first time
I enter that specific menu
, after that moving in/out the menu
does not have that high loading time anymore. (Something of cached contents? I'm not sure)
From the web service
perspective I know, that this action to enter the menu contains of 3 separate requests
and waiting for feedback from the web service.
That's why I used SoapUI
to make a simple load test to confirm this slowness.
However, the result for the load
is not promising:
max response time
: around 20000msaverage response time
: 500ms/1200ms/5000ms (for each 3 requests)- That is just for
50 threads
, which result in 0 to small percent of time-out errors. - If I try to use
400 threads
instead (which is a requirement from customer), thetimeout errors
will be unacceptable (50%).
So, my questions are:
- Is the slowness on the app a result of the sum of these 3 requests: around 7000ms ~ equal 7s? (It is still way much lower than 17s on real device).
- Also, does this appear, that the web service can not afford a high number (400) of concurrent users in real working environment?
- Could it be, that or am I doing something wrong here?