I have a protractor cucumber intellij project. I want to create a jenkins job that can run my tests. I have no idea how to do it. I could not find any tutorials that explain where to start from.
2 Answers
Well , in case you are running Jenkins instance in your local machine , its pretty straightforward.
In build step , add the command you want to run . I suppose if you are using Protractor , it will most probably look like this :
protractor conf.js
Just make sure you are putting appropriate path for conf.js. Think of it this way , what command you will type in command prompt to run your script .
Rest of the configuration , you can learn from :[http://www.tutorialspoint.com/jenkins/][1]
You can use Grunt
and run your protractor as a grunt task. Please refer to this link for the configuration - you can refer section to the which talks about running protractor as a Grunt task.
Link -> Running Protractor in Jenkins