In code generated by Ranorex I have seen that spaces are escaped when text comparison is done on Regex basis:
table[@controlid='1008']/?/?/cell[@text~'^This\ text\ has\ spaces']
I wondered about that, because in "normal" (all kinds of different Regex I've seen until now), the space is not a special character.
Googling about it I found the Ranorex XPath site which has the example
listitem[@text~'^sample\ 123$']
matches 'sample 123' (use backslash to escape special characters like space)
Following the examples, there is a list of special characters, as there are
It further refers to Microsoft .NET Regex (MSDN), which sounds reasonable, since Ranorex tests are developed on .NET basis with SharpDevelop.
Being a C# develop for 10 years, I'm pretty sure that a space is not a special character in .NET Regex.
What is special about a space in a Ranorex Regex?