logout button has class and attributes as 9 other elements have so unable to find that element and it has one child element that is also difficult to be found. i tried many relative xpaths but couldn't find. please help me to find. absolute xpath of that element is .//*[@id='js_7q']/div/div/ul/li[12] i used index as 12 for relative xpaths but couldn't .
<li class="_54ni navSubmenu __MenuItem" role="presentation" data-gt="{"ref":"async_menu","logout_menu_click":"menu_activity_log"}">
<li class="_54ni navSubmenu __MenuItem" role="presentation" data-gt="{"ref":"async_menu","logout_menu_click":"menu_nf_preferences"}">
<li class="_54ni navSubmenu __MenuItem" role="presentation" data-gt="{"ref":"async_menu","logout_menu_click":"menu_settings"}">