logout button has class and attributes as 9 other elements have so unable to find that element and it has one child element that is also difficult to be found. i tried many relative xpaths but couldn't find. please help me to find. absolute xpath of that element is .//*[@id='js_7q']/div/div/ul/li[12] i used index as 12 for relative xpaths but couldn't .

<li class="_54ni navSubmenu __MenuItem" role="presentation" data-gt="{"ref":"async_menu","logout_menu_click":"menu_activ‌​ity_log"}"> 
<li class="_54ni navSubmenu __MenuItem" role="presentation" data-gt="{"ref":"async_menu","logout_menu_click":"menu_nf_pr‌​eferences"}"> 
<li class="_54ni navSubmenu __MenuItem" role="presentation" data-gt="{"ref":"async_menu","logout_menu_click":"menu_setti‌​ngs"}">
  • Can you share that portion of your code and the error stacktrace? This will help us give you a better answer.
    – Swagin9
    Commented May 8, 2017 at 15:54
  • <li class="_54ni navSubmenu __MenuItem" role="presentation" data-gt="{"ref":"async_menu","logout_menu_click":"menu_activity_log"}"> <li class="_54ni navSubmenu __MenuItem" role="presentation" data-gt="{"ref":"async_menu","logout_menu_click":"menu_nf_preferences"}"> <li class="_54ni navSubmenu __MenuItem" role="presentation" data-gt="{"ref":"async_menu","logout_menu_click":"menu_settings"}"> Commented May 8, 2017 at 16:19
  • code is shown below for 4 elements like this 5 more elements have (4th one is my target) <li class="_54ni navSubmenu __MenuItem" role="presentation" data-gt="{"ref":"async_menu","logout_menu_click":"menu_activity_log"}"> <li class="_54ni navSubmenu __MenuItem" role="presentation" data-gt="{"ref":"async_menu","logout_menu_click":"menu_nf_preferences"}"> <li class="_54ni navSubmenu __MenuItem" role="presentation" data-gt="{"ref":"async_menu","logout_menu_click":"menu_settings"}"> Commented May 8, 2017 at 16:25
  • sorry you many not get that code perfectly i don't know how to edit perfectly . code is started with <li class="_54ni navSubmenu __MenuItem" for each element. Commented May 8, 2017 at 16:32
  • Do you have the selenium code block and error message? This looks like it's just the webpage source code, correct?
    – Swagin9
    Commented May 8, 2017 at 16:40

1 Answer 1


Use this xpath to get the facebook logout element


In this case it seems to be easier to find the underlying form element and then getting the link ancestor then trying to find a child element.

  • how could u find that xpath with use of ancestor ,, in entire page source code there is no id for any element and what is that "form" is it a tag? @quinny Thank you very much. Commented May 9, 2017 at 13:01
  • Not sure what tool you are using for your xpath work, but I highly recommend chrome dev tools. If you drill down more into the line item of the logout line object, it has a form object underneath of it under a couple spans. Remember you may need to open the dropdown that includes the login link for it to populate the DOM, I am not sure. That form had a unique id, then the next step is to just go up from there. When you need to jump multiple parents use ancestor instead, that 'a' object is the link for the logout.
    – quinny1187
    Commented May 9, 2017 at 14:56
  • Anusha, you need to learn how to create XPath and CSS. You can create without using any tool. If wanna learn basis usage of xpath and selenium use following link: [link]testarenablog.wordpress.com/2016/11/04/css-selector-in-selenium [link]testarenablog.wordpress.com/2016/08/14/xpath-in-selenium Commented May 9, 2017 at 17:26
  • working on selenium , my doubt is ,there is no element with "form" tag in that source code how could u create that xpath? with selenium webdriver itself?? or any other tool? Commented May 10, 2017 at 10:32
  • The problem is the Log Out form does not get generated in the DOM until you click the dropdown in the nav that exposes it. If you search the page for Log Out text without clicking the dropdown in navbar you get 0 results. Opening it first, then searching for Log Out text gives the result you are looking for. Remember not everything in the entire page gets loaded immediately when the page is opened.
    – quinny1187
    Commented May 10, 2017 at 13:46

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