From my point of view here are some general guidelines to improve end-to-end testing execution speed for GUI automation.
1- Build a solid Object Repository by using unique attributes/properties to define test objects.
2-Devide test script into small test functions that are simple (Do not re-implement complex business).
3- Define correct points where to add Sync functions (moving to new page, waiting to object appear/disappear , waiting for property change,.....etc).
4- Use Dynamic waiting not implicit, for the correct behavior / property of a test object.
5- Modify the Driver Time out (Selenium) to be 1 : 5 seconds no more, because each time we use FindElement() Function the Driver will wait this time until object loaded in DOM or throw exception.
- Design your Test Script by a way to get benefit of tool speed and also Synchronized with Application performance.
Example of Selenium/C# Dynamic wait for object to be loaded in DOM and displayed on GUI.
Calling for bellow Function:
Public IwebElement TestObject;
TestObject.Exists(5); // where 5 is time out by seconds.
public static bool Exists(this IWebElement element,int timeOut)
//GlobalVars.Test.Browser is IwebDriver Object
bool isExist = false;
// check that element is not null;
if (element == null)
return false;
// check the element existance.
GlobalVars.Test.Browser.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0);
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(GlobalVars.Test.Browser, TimeSpan.FromSeconds((double)timeOut));
isExist = wait.Until<bool>((d) => { try { return element.Displayed; } catch (Exception ex) { return false; } });
return isExist;
catch (Exception ex)
return false;
GlobalVars.Test.Browser.Manage().Timeouts().ImplicitWait = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(GlobalVars.Test.BrowserTimeOut);