Assume there is a csv file with user names and passwords as I've mentioned above. I need to read the csv file and store data in a hash map using open CSV; keys should be Username and password and values should be user1, pwd1...etc.
I'm able to read data from the csv file but not able to get column header (UseName , Password) as keys and data as values to store in hash map. Please see the below code that I tried to do so. I need to know how to get cell values from CSV file (like in excel sheet)
public void dpmethod()throws Exception{
String csvfile = "C:\\Users....TestData\\LoginData.csv";
CSVReader reader= new CSVReader(new FileReader(csvfile));
try {
String[] cell;
Map<Object, Object> datamap = new HashMap<Object,Object>();
while((cell =reader.readNext())!=null) {
for( int i=0; i<cell.length;i++ ) {
//datamap.put(Key, value );
catch(NullPointerException e) {