The BDD sample below is written using Katalon Studio
Scenario Outline: Verify Price of <plan> Plan
Given <accountType> account is currently logged in
When User navigates to Publish Page
Then The price of <plan> at publish page should be <price>
When User selects <plan> plan
Then The price of <plan> at confirm upgrade page should be <price>
| accountType | plan | price |
| Free | Android | 19.79 |
| Free | IOS | 19.79 |
| Free | Both | 24.99 |
Is there a similar way robot framework can iterate the same scenario outline by just using Examples data? cause I've tried to convert it my solution was to use FOR loop. I've been googling this but can't seem to find a good example, and some of the blogs I've read says there's no similar way of handling it (which I can't believe)
Here's my robot framework version of it:
*** Test Cases ***
Verify Prices of All Plan
[Setup] Login User with Free Plan ${email} ${password}
Given User Navigates to Publish Page
Then Verify the prices of each plan
And The prices for each confirm purchase pages should match
*** Keywords ***
Verify the price
[Arguments] ${whole_number_locator} ${decimal_locator} ${expected_price}
${whole_number} = Get Text ${whole_number_locator}
${decimal} = Get Text ${decimal_locator}
${actual_price} = Set Variable ${whole_number}${decimal}
Should Be Equal ${expected_price} ${actual_price}
Log ${actual_price}
Verify the prices of each plan
FOR ${plan} IN @{plans}
Log ${}
Verify the price ${plan.whole} ${plan.decimal} ${plan.expected}
I didn't include the variables and the step definition in Katalon Studio to avoid making this post longer.