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2 votes
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testNG, Java: How to combine a few Data Providers in one test?

In the provided test I need to read the data from the cell in Excel and it works. I would also like to add the functionality to store the price of the product in another cell in the Excel. I've split, ...
Beti's user avatar
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17 votes
6 answers

Writing test automation in Java, while the company domain uses C#/.NET

I´ve recently got a job as a automation tester in a company, that basically only have manual testers (except me). The short term plan is to come up with a good test strategy for identifying which of ...
user1892117's user avatar
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1 answer

Selenium Mac Salesforce

I'm trying to automate to log in into salesforce account and after it logs in I want it to click on contact button, but for some reason it won't, I even wrote a different function just for it to click ...
Arnish Chakma's user avatar
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1 answer

Java Null pointer exception when trying to click on an element that is present in a block and becomes visible when another element is clicked

I'm trying to click on an element, which is present in a block and the block itself becomes visible, when another element Your Trips is clicked on. I'm able to find the element and click on Your Trips,...
Divya's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Work requires answering dozens of drop down questions, can I automate answering them? [closed]

If I just knew a script could answer the questions for me, I would learn from scratch in order to teach myself how to create the script to answer the questions. I personally do not know who to ask to ...
ferriterr's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Conditional reading from excel data in Selenium JAVA

Data set and demo webUI - Sample data in excel sheet (first row being column header) - Demo layout - Problem scenario - The data to be filled up is from an excel sheet, if the occupation is Entered (...
RicoRicochet's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

RFT: Facing problem while recording while using Mozilla

Facing issue while recording using RFT in Mozilla Firefox browser. Not able to enable environment for Mozilla, even after installing RFT enabler for Firefox. Getting errors like: Record resume pause ...
user17319's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

Select SSL certificates using Selenium web Driver

I'm using Selenium Web Driver on Windows 7. I need to test a web application and I've to use a SSL certificate to enter. I don't know how to select the right certificate to use my application. I'm in ...
Cesare's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Selenium automation on Oracle applications

Is there a way we can perform Selenium automation (with Java) on Oracle applications? On the Oracle website they have given ways by which we can convert the Oracle applications into Oracle ADF faces ...
Tom's user avatar
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