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5 votes
2 answers

Load/stress testing framework for AWS EC2 instances with startup/shutdown?

I'm looking for a tool/framework (preferably in Java if it involves coding) that allows me to load test a server. I need to be able to launch multiple EC2 instances, hit the server hard for a period ...
2 votes
2 answers

Performance testing - analysing Graph results in Jmeter

Am new to Jmeter and I ran the test successfully. Now I'd like to understand what the results mean and what is classed as good/bad measurements, and what can be suggested to improve the results. Below ...
2 votes
0 answers

My Jmeter scenario doesn't loop with thread-group [closed]

I'm not so new to Jmeter.But my scenario doesn't loop if I set loopCount or set endless loop in ThreadGroup. It just does onetime loop and stop testing without any errors. Usually I can make a ...