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Test automation and test data generation for chatbots how to implement?

Details: Our customer wants complete test automation including test data generation for a chatbot. The test data will probably be provided to us via RestApi. Since we have not completed this area yet, ...
Mornon's user avatar
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Is it a good approach to use a core automation framework(jar file) as opposed to creating all classes of framework yourself?

Some teams in an organization use existing core automation frameworks(made in Java). In my case, I converted it to a jar file artifact and then used it in their Selenium project as a local library/...
mahesh234's user avatar
8 votes
8 answers

Are there specific coding guidelines for test automation?

Details Currently we are trying to find more ways to write better code. Of course, this does not exclude our automated test cases. We are already testing in the dev environment with SonarCube and ...
Mornon's user avatar
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5 answers

Test Strategy Documentation for test automation

What are the main points that should be included in a test strategy test automation document for a particular project? I'm not looking at details but more of a high level overview. I've found that ...
Mornon's user avatar
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13 votes
11 answers

What is a Test Automation Framework?

Some automation engineers use an underlying automation framework as a jar dependency in their selenium web driver project in eclipse. Then, they use the framework to write functional scripting of the ...
jonas56's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can SDETs improve test script reading & understanding for complicated code bases?

Recently I decided to explore some open source projects. I think it's a good way to learn more that how experienced SDET/Test Architect approach in their design. I found myself a little overwhelmed by ...
Nitin Rastogi's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Penetration test in a staging environment. When and how much?

We certainly all know the discussion when penetration testing makes sense. In a staging scenario, the test scenario can be interesting to use there to perform a penetration test. And, of course, also ...
Mornon's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

What are the steps/action plan to introduce Test Automation in a company?

My colleague and I have been given the task of Piloting Test Automation in our company. We need help deciding on the Action Plan. Some Actions we noted are as below : Design an Architecture of "...
Ramkrishna Bhandare's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

What do I have to consider in an exploratory test charter?

I am currently trying to build a test charter for my exploratory test within a timebox. But what exactly should this charter contain? Session Charter: This includes a mission statement, a short ...
Mornon's user avatar
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-3 votes
3 answers

What is the best way to automate acceptance testing?

First of all: A royal road and a really correct solution to automate acceptance tests does not yet exist. I am as aware of that as many of you are aware. But is that really so? Is there no way to go? ...
Mornon's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How an automation engineer could maintain a large messy existing test code base?

Background: For an UI automation large codebase having thousands of Selenium tests, which multiple people have developed/updated/patched over a period of few years. There is no documentation/manual ...
Vishal Aggarwal's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

How to pause test execution in testng

I am using testNG, Rest-Assured and Java for API automation. Is there any way to pause the execution for a specific time if any event/exception occurred?
Prabhudatta Choudhury's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Should I store my test results in a database or google docs?

I'm currently trying to decide what is the better place to store my test results; database (sql/nosql) or in a spreadsheet placed in google docs. I have the impression that storing it into a database ...
tyleax's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I solve OutOfRangeException on using Selenium C#

I've faced with the below problem, while trying to run a data driving testing and have tried to resolve it, but nothing seem to be working for me. Please could you take a look at my code and tell me ...
Ugochukwu Anajemba's user avatar
2 votes
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What is the typical test automation scenario where decorator Design Pattern can be applied?

What is the typical automation scenario where decorator design pattern can be applied in UI test automation ? Please share your practical experiences with small code examples to help us fellow QA ...
Vishal Aggarwal's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

What level of Selenium Webdriver Automation Frameworks are being used by experts in the Software Industry [closed]

I have started learning selenium webdriver using java to increase my skill set as a blackbox tester. I have been practicing a lot about JUnit, Test NG, Page object model etc. However, I am not ...
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5 votes
4 answers

How to choose page object design & structure

We had a discussion between several automation engineers on page object design, specifically about how many layers it should have and what are the responsibilities of the layers. I hope you guys could ...
Sarunas Urbelis's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is there any open source tool to automate oracle POS Xstore Application?

I am looking for a tool to automate Oracle XStore Application, Suitable tool to automate Oracle Xstore POS system. Application: oracle Xstore OS: windows
Rashmi's user avatar
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3 answers

Design patterns specific for test automation

Software engineering has many design patterns, including Adaptors, Abstract Factories, Decorators etc. Test automation, as a branch of software engineering, can use same patterns but has also its own ...
14 votes
4 answers

How do you know if you are writing high quality tests?

Inspired by Exercises on software testing We can learn to write automated tests and we can learn to do tdd and bdd but what tools / resources / guides are available to tell us if the actual tests we ...
Michael Durrant's user avatar
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Will automated testing tools make testing easier?

It depends on the Project size. For small projects, the time needed to learn and implement them may not be worth it unless personnel are already familiar with the tools. For larger projects, or on-...
div1's user avatar
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2 answers

BDD & Rest API automation

When I search for BDD and Rest API automation. I get lots of examples where some user scripts a human-readable user story which shows how to use his API. This user calls it BDD. But BDD based not ...
Alexander.Iljushkin's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

As a QA is it necessary to learn all frameworks in Selenium? [closed]

Currently, I am working as a Test Engineer. I want to know something about selenium Framework. I am using page object & page factory design pattern in my project. I don't have knowledge about ...
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How to get the name of all the test methods and functions in a test?

I am developing a framework where I need to do the reporting of my tests. I have to do this from scratch with out using junit or testng. I need to create a custom annotation @Testing and write a test ...
Ajmal's user avatar
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3 answers

The company I work for have provided me with money to spend on training ? Need ideas on what to spend on to help further my QA career! [closed]

I've been working in QA for a year and a half now, I started of doing manual testing and then I've moved on to QA automation and or been using Ruby + selenium webdriver + page object model + page ...
Speedychuck's user avatar
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5 answers

What are features of the Selenium Test framework that are not present in other tools? [closed]

I have recently joined a company and we are looking to standardize our testing frameworks and tools across multiple (many legacy) products. Because of this, I'm seriously considering the Selenium ...
ECiurleo's user avatar
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Designing test system that includes a test client, a test server and a system under test [closed]

I'm trying to design a test system to test an embedded realtime software. What is the best option for creating a test system like below? Is it possible to use TTCN-3 to control hardware components ...
zontragon's user avatar
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3 votes
9 answers

What is Software Test Automation Framework?

I am a beginner Software tester. I have started to learn test automation of web apps using selenium webdriver in java. Till now I can just automate simple login functionality. I want to know all about ...
tester_23's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

How to perform Testing Process-Automation/ manual -web application

I am working in a startup with a limited number of developers [4-5]. We work on all open source platforms like Java, jQuery, Springs for development of web based applications. For integration, we use ...
Rajesh Rathod's user avatar
1 vote
6 answers

Suitable Automated Testing tools for POS Systems

This is not duplicate of following question since it was accepted by the asked person with a different answer Automating tests in EPOS systems We are developing a Big POS System with several Desktop,...
Thabo's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Web application GUI automation best practices

Our team develops automation solutions for various web based products. I'd like to compile a list of patterns and best practices from the GUI web automation space that have been used and proven as ...
lysergic-acid's user avatar
18 votes
5 answers

What Are Some Examples of Why Explicitly Sleep Statements Are Bad?

I've read various places that explicit sleep statements are bad practice in automated tests, even if I've used them occasionally. They can be annoying (creating unnecessary waiting in tests) but I can'...
joshin4colours's user avatar